Lakewood Back Pain Treatment-Lakewood
There are many different causes of lower back pain. Pain in the lower back can be due to repetitive stress on back muscles and joints from poor posture or certain activities, or as the result of more chronic conditions such as arthritis. Back pain can affect children, adults, and seniors. Diagnosing the exact cause of low back pain requires careful attention to the soft tissue structures of the pelvis and lower back, as well as the quality of the movement of the lower and upper extremities.
Lakewood Sciatica / Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve or sciatica is characterized by pain down the leg and can continue below the knee. Sciatica pain can be caused by a disc herniation or a slipped disc. Tingling, numbness, or pain in the buttocks and thigh is often misdiagnosed as sciatica.
Sciatica is often characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:
- Constant pain in only one side of the buttock or leg (rarely in both legs)
- Pain that is worse when sitting
- Leg pain that is often described as burning, tingling, or searing (versus a dull ache)
- Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg, foot, and/or toes
- A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or walk
- Pain that radiates down the leg and possibly into the foot and toes (it rarely occurs only in the foot)
- Sciatic pain can vary from infrequent and irritating to constant and incapacitating. Symptoms are usually based on the location of the pinched nerve.
Suffering with Back Pain or Sciatica? Call Today!
Lumbar Disc Herniations
This painful lower back condition can occur from the acute strain of lifting a heavy object or as a slowly evolving condition over time. Herniated disc symptoms include deep lower back pain, sharp pain in the buttocks, hamstring pain, and/or leg pain. You may have difficulty changing positions or sitting comfortably for more than a few minutes at a time.
Sacroiliac Pain / Sacroiliac Joint Disease
With this condition careful attention must be paid to the surrounding soft tissue structures of the pelvis and lower back. Issues in these areas can prevent movement within the joint and cause nerve entrapments within the ligaments.
Degenerative Joint / Disc Disease
Chronic in nature, these conditions develop over time and can affect everyone from competitive athletes to more sedentary office workers. Though they most often develop in the 5th decade of life, arthritis, and degenerative disc disease can also start in the teenage years and affect men and women equally.
In the cervical spine, the facet joints can degenerate and lead to arthritis. As this area degenerates, new bone is laid down and causes bone spurs. These bone spurs can pinch nerves, limit joint range of motion, and strain supporting neck muscles. Arthritis neck pain is usually worse first thing in the morning and improves as the day goes on. Arthritis pain is often between the shoulder blades and can cause headaches.
Sacroiliac Pain / Sacroiliac Joint Disease
With this condition careful attention must be paid to the surrounding soft tissue structures of the sacroiliac joints and lower back. Issues in these areas can prevent movement within the joint and cause nerve entrapments within the ligaments.
Treatment of spondylolisthesis is designed to reduce pressure on the lower back. We will reduce the spasm the condition with trigger point therapy, fascial manipulation, and electric muscle stimulation to eliminate the strain on the muscles that support the spine.
Lumbar Stenosis / Spinal Stenosis
This painful lower back condition can occur from the acute strain of lifting a heavy object or as a slowly evolving condition over time. Herniated disc symptoms include deep lower back pain, sharp pain in the buttocks, hamstring pain, and/or leg pain. Once lumbar stenosis has been diagnosed through MRI, the integrity and stability of the spine will be evaluated along with your movement patterns.
Lumbar Disc Bulge
This painful lower back condition can occur from the acute strain of lifting a heavy object or as a slowly evolving condition over time. Herniated disc symptoms include deep lower back pain, sharp pain in the buttocks, hamstring pain, and/or leg pain. You may have difficulty changing positions or sitting comfortably for more than a few minutes at a time.
If you or a loved one is suffering from Back Pain, WE can help! Call Dr. Jason Jumper at Renew Chiropractic in Lakewood Today: .
We will help you eliminate Low Back Pain and put you on the road to health again. Call our Lakewood Chiropractic office for a FREE consultation and chiropractic evaluation. Call Today!
When to Seek Chiropractic Care For Low Back Pain
- Intense and sudden back pain that does not subside with rest
- Pain that feels better when you lie down or are walking, but worsens when standing or sitting
- Intense pain going from a sitting position to a standing position
- Sharp, shooting pain in the lower back
- Difficulty putting on your shoes or socks
- Pain in the buttocks and/or legs
- Weakness, Numbness or tingling in the lower back or leg
- Pain when you cough or sneeze
- Difficulty getting in and out of a car/vehicle
- Severe or shooting pain in one leg, making it difficult to stand up or walk
Home Care For Low Back Pain
- Stay Hydrated – Drinking plenty of water is good for general health, and the back and spine are no exceptions. After all, your intervertebral discs are mostly made up of water. Skip the cola, though. Over time, it can lead to lower bone mass density.
- Alternate heat and ice. Cold therapy is the go-to treatment for the first 24 to 72 hours after an episode of back pain. After that, heat is often advised. If your back pain is chronic, try alternating heat and ice to see if you may benefit from the best of both.
- Rethinking Your Sleep position may also help. Sleeping on your back is the ideal position for your back, but if you’re more comfortable on your side, put a pillow between your knees. If you can’t get to sleep unless you sleep on your stomach, use a fairly flat pillow for your head and put another flat pillow under your abdomen or pelvis.
- Don’t just sit there. Moving around keeps the blood flowing, reducing stiffness. If you’re sitting at a desk most of the day, try to slip outside for a quick walk over your lunch breakāor climb some stairs. Getting up and standing or stretching every 30 minutes or so will also help you stay more flexible.
Are you, or a loved one suffering with lower back pain? If so, call Renew Chiropractic Today! .
The 5 Most Dangerous Words…”Maybe It Will Go Away!”