Vision / Blindness
"Spinal manipulation was determined for visual disorders by four ophthalmologists independent of the other. Patients were examined before and after manipulative treatment. In all cases the vision improved (in either visual field and/or visual acuity)".
R.F. Gorman DO, "An Observer's View Of The Treatment Of Visual Perception Deficit By Spinal Manipulation." A Survey of 16 patients Sydney, Australia, 1991 (published privately)
"It appears Chiropractors have been right all along. A team of doctors at Syracuse University have established with scientific, anatomical proof, that damaged structures in the neck (subluxations) are the cause of many chronic headaches."
December 28, 1995. Life Toronto Star: Life section Peter Rothbart MD.
Blood Pressure
"Posture affects and moderates every physiological function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture. The corollary of these observations is that many symptoms, including pain, may be moderated or eliminated by improved posture."
AJPM Vol.4 No.1 Jan. 1994 Posture and Respiratory Modulation of Autonomic Function Pain and Health. J. Lennon, BM, MM, C Norman Shealby, MD, Roger K. Cady, MD
Shortened Lifespan
“In age-and sex-adjusted analysis, persons with hyperkyphosis defined as needing one block to achieve a neutral head position had a 1.44 times greater rate of mortality than those without hyperkyphotic posture.” (44% increase death rate with 17mm of Forward Head Posture.)
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Volume 52, Issue 10, Page 1662, Oct. 2004. Hyperkyphotic Posture Predicts Mortality in Older Community-Dwelling Men and Women: A Prospective Study. Deb M Kado, MD, MS, Mei-Huang, DrPH, Arun S. Karlamangla, MD, PhD, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD and Gail A. Greendale, MD
“It is not surprising that chronic manipulation lifts depression. It is possible that chronic maneuvers will become an important tool in psychiatric treatment.”
RF Gorman DO, (Franz von Kurkel) “Chiropractic for Rejuvenation of the mind.” Academy of Chiropractic Medicine (8 Budgen Street, Darwin Australia 1983)
“Vertigo (dizziness) can come from dysfunction of the spinal column. He reports the success of manual therapy (spinal adjustments) in treating vertigo.”
Manual Medicine 16, 95 F. Becker, MD. 1978. “A Discussion of Dizziness Symptoms With A Focus on Manual Therapy Viewpoint.”
Headaches, Ear Buzzing, Extreme Fatigue, Sleep Disorders
“In 1970 Vitek showed these symptoms were linked to the upper cervical spine and not vascular disease. Manual therapy (spinal adjustments) proved successful in 77% cases.”
“Manual Therapy In Internal Medicine” E.G. Metz @ Bezirkskrankenhaus Postdam, (Formerly East) Germany, 1976.
Heart Rhythm/Disorders
“According to studies by Rychlikova, Schwartz, and Metz a comparison of EKG’s taken before and after manual therapy shows telesystolic changes as well as cured heart rhythm disorders.”
“Manual Therapy In Internal Medicine” E.G. Metz @ Bezirkskrankenhaus Postdam, (Formerly East) Germany, 1976.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Researches now show the problem may be coming from the neck, a syndrome known as “double crush.” Compression of the nerve often exists in more than one location on the nerve, primarily in the neck.
Simpson RL Fern S.A Multiple compression and double-crush syndrome. Ortho P Clin North AM 1996: April, 27 (2):381-388.
Migraine Headaches
Chiropractic care resulted in a reduction of 90% of migraine episodes with the length of each migraine reduced by 38%. In addition, medication use dropped 94% and other symptoms associated with migraines such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia (light and sound sensitivity) were reduced.
Bofshever H. Encephalgia/migraine. ICPA Newsletter. Jan/Feb 2000.
Meniere’s Disease/Ringing In The Ears
“Manual Therapy (spinal adjustments) is often capable of relieving the dizziness and equilibrium disorders associated with Meniere’s Syndrome.
“Manual Therapy In Internal Medicine” E.G. Metz Bezirkskrankenhaus Postdam, (Formerly East) Germany, 1976.
Boosting Immunity
Measuring 1 07 individuals who had received long-term Chiropractic care, Pero’s team turned up some surprising findings. The Chiropractic patients had a 200% greater immune-competence than people who had not received Chiropractic, and a 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer. Pero concluded that “Chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have” so that you can fully resist serious diseases.
Boosting Your Immunity Through Chiropractic. Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine in Environmental Health at New York University.
“The effect of specific upper cervical adjustments on the immune system CD4 cell counts of HIV positive individuals was measured by CD4/mrn3 in the blood. A 48% increase in CD4 cells was demonstrated over the six month duration of the study for the adjusted group.”
Selano, J., Hightower, B., Pfleger, B., Collins, K., Grostic, J. Chiro Research journal 1994;
3 (1): 32-39
Flexed Posture causes overstress in the sternocostal joints and spine with consequent irritation of nociceptors. The pain stops after the correction of posture. Correction of posture is important in the therapy of Fibromyalgia.
Journal Of Manual Medicine (1990) 5; 169-174.‘EMG evidence shows it is clear that manipulation of the upper cervical joints affects overall body posture.”
“Influencing Postural Reflexes By Way of Joints” G. Gutmann MD and F. Vele. (1971) Neurological Clinic ofKarlsuniversitat in Prague Zeitschrift fur Physiotherapy 5, 71.
Sinus Problems
A 3 1 year old woman presented with chronic sinusitis. The patient has been bothered with this for 1 2 years. She was adjusted at Cl and C3, two times a week. This treatment produced good drainage, decreased congestion along with relief of headaches.
Sinusitis Associated With C 1 -C3 Intersegmental Dysfunction: A Case Report. Research Dept., Cleveland Chiropractic College.