The content on this website, renew-chiropractic.com, is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship. Renew Chiropractic assumes no responsibility or liability for how readers of this site choose to use the information contained within.
If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.
These articles and recommendations are not tailored for the health of one particular individual and should not be considered professional consultation. Individuals who believe they are experiencing symptoms of an illness should always consult a doctor before beginning any form of treatment.
The opinions expressed on the Site and by Renew Chiropractic, P.C. are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a local physician, medical doctor or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.
PostureRay and 20/20: State of the Art Digital Technologies.
Hospital Grade 20/20 Digital X-Ray System Our state-of-the-art image processing system from 20/20 Digital X-Ray enhances and optimizes the diagnostic quality of digital radiographic images far exceeding that of conventional film. Digital images are available within seconds and offer exceptional, consistent image quality while preserving diagnostic detail. In addition, these images offer enhanced fine detail and soft-tissue contrast with better compensation for thick body parts. This allows us to provide better, safer patient care.
PostureRay It is the only digital analysis software to use the proprietary full spine models developed by the CBP Research team of engineers and mathematicians and published in some of the top Spine Journals in the world: Spine, Journal of Orthopedic Research; European Spine Journal; and the Journal of Spinal Disorders.
The CBP® Full Spine Ideal Model documents the proper path of the spine from a side view. Ideally, the back of your vertebra should align along this mathematical model. It is composed of specific ellipses as shown in the following regions on the figure of the woman above and right. C1-T1: cervical (neck), T1-T12: thoracic (rib cage), T12-S1 lumbar (low back)
*No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary - See health disclaimer
The CBP® Full Spine Ideal Model documents the proper path of the spine from a side view. Ideally, the back of your vertebra should align along this mathematical model. It is composed of specific ellipses as shown in the following regions on the figure of the woman above and right. C1-T1: cervical (neck), T1-T12: thoracic (rib cage), T12-S1 lumbar (low back
The ideal spine has near perfect vertical balance of the upper and lower-most vertebra for each of these three spinal regions. Each region has points of inflection—the mathematical term for change in direction from concavity to convexity against which to compare your x-rays. Along the entire spine, each vertebra corresponds to a graphed mathematical point. Such a spinal analysis helps the Renew Chiropractic Center to determine if you have proper (or improper) posture and alignment and how much correction may be required to restore your health and wellbeing. Find out how your spine measures up today! cALL 720-493-5885.
The content on this website, renew-chiropractic.com, is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship. Renew Chiropractic assumes no responsibility or liability for how readers of this site choose to use the information contained within.
If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.
These articles and recommendations are not tailored for the health of one particular individual and should not be considered professional consultation. Individuals who believe they are experiencing symptoms of an illness should always consult a doctor before beginning any form of treatment.
The opinions expressed on the Site and by Renew Chiropractic, P.C. are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a local physician, medical doctor or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.