Plantar fasciitis is an umbrella term for any pain in the bottom of the foot. Typically, heel pain is at its worst when patients are getting out of bed in the morning or after prolonged sitting.
Effective plantar fasciitis treatment depends on identifying the specific cause of your foot paint and treating it effectively. The most common cause of plantar fasciitis is an inflamed flexor tendon (either the common tendon of the short flexors, or the broad, flat, long flexor tendon).
Our Approach
For effective plantar fasciitis treatment we use a combination of modalities, including Trigger Point Therapy, Active Release Technique, Chirometrix, Fascial Manipulation, Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) and The Pettibon System, along with specific stretches.
Sometimes foot pain is caused by an irritation of the plantar nerve requiring an analysis of the entire length of the sciatic nerve and its branches to look for adhesions that can limit the normal glide that all nerves must have.
*No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary - See health disclaimer
Patient Review
"Just to see if it worked, I took out my shoe inserts for the week, no foot pain!!! Crazy!!! On my third session. I've definitely noticed a huge difference where my feet don't hurt in the morning either and I don't feel crippled. Completely incredible!"
I started visiting Renew Chiropractic about a month ago. So far I love the results; my body was in bad shape in many areas due to 14 years of rugby. Over a year ago, I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis. I have inserts and it hurts on an off and was told there wasn't much that can be done except for ice, drugs, etc. I asked Dr. Jumper if he could help, which he said yes. I was skeptical, but let him treat my feet. First session, felt great. Just to see if it worked, I took out my shoe inserts for the week, no foot pain!!! Crazy!!! On my third session. I've definitely noticed a huge difference where my feet don't hurt in the morning either and I don't feel crippled. Completely incredible!
Jim McManus
Google Review 11/2015
Google My Business Review
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The opinions expressed on the Site and by Renew Chiropractic, P.C. are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a local physician, medical doctor or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.