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The 5 Red Flags of Pronation

There are 5 Red Flags or signs of pronation. If these signs are ignored and the causes are left untreated, foot problems can adversely affect the entire body. Moving from the ground up, a person who shows signs of pronation can have imbalances throughout the body, including internal knee rotation, pelvis tilt and a dropped shoulder. This imbalance can lead to larger issues like pain.

pic1.jpg1. Foot Flare

All pronators walk with foot flare, or “toe out.”

pic2.jpg2. Internal Knee Rotation

When the feet are flat on the floor, the lower extremity has its greatest distortion with the feet bilateral and asymmetrically pronated.

pic3.jpg3. Bowed Achilles Tendons

From a p-to-a view, the ankle and foot appear to roll inwards, causing a bowing of the Achilles tendons, which will “plastically deform” over time.

pic4.jpg4. Flat Foot

At mid-stance, the patient will demonstrate the greatest degree of pronation and all 3 arches of the foot will have collapsed.

pic5.jpg5. Uneven Heel Wear

In the typical, bi-lateral, asymmetrically pronated foot, the heel strike will be uneven, creating uneven or asymmetrical heel wear.

Step Up Their Support

Foot Levelers can provide your patients with the comfort and support needed to reverse the effects of protection for a healthier lifestyle. By balancing the 3 arches of the foot using the 3 Arch Advantage™, our custom-made functional orthotics align the ankles, knees and pelvis to provide a balanced foundation for the spine to rest on.

Foot Levelers custom orthotics are also designed to help prolong the support of your Chiropractic adjustments, thereby improving your patients’ overall structural alignment and posture. Pair your treatments with orthotics, and your patients will feel better and perform better.

Call Renew Chiropractic at 720-493-5885


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