The wrist is a very complicated and delicate structure of joints, small bones, and ligaments that must fit together perfectly for proper function.
Just reaching out with your hand to break your fall can lead to a serious wrist injury. Fractures of the small bones of the wrist are a major concern.
Sports such as tennis, golf, baseball, bowling, weight training, and squash can all lead to wrist pain or wrist injury.
Our Approach
Wrist pain and dysfunction often go undiagnosed and many Lakewood patients may be unaware of effective treatment options. Many healthcare providers advise Lakewood patients to rest and use over the counter medications without offering clear diagnosis or corrective therapies.
Careful evaluation of all movements of the wrist, forearm, and shoulders must be done in. Addressing the dysfunction with a variety of soft tissue techniques such as Fascial Manipulation. Soft tissue treatments, Chiropractic Biophysics, Pettibon Techniques, and Active Release Technique are all used by Dr. Jumper in Lakewood.
If necessary, diagnostic imaging such as x-ray, MRI, or ultrasound may be used to rule-out any pathological conditions in the Lakewood health care community.